wonderful Macau

Adventure Patches

Macau is just as unique from Mainland China as it is from Hong Kong. Many of my students assume it would be just like HK since it was a colony of a European power; however, it is so different.

First, a little history, Macau was a Portuguese territory for a few hundred years, nearly twice as long as Hong Kong was British. Because of this history, there was a lot of Catholic influence with many of the first colonizers being monks and missionaries.

This history gives Macau its unique culture, from its architecture to the language; everything is a hybrid of Chinese and Portuguese influences. Macau was given back to China in 1999 under very similar conditions to Hong Kong as a Special Administrative Region.

Our trip to Macau was just a day long, and, unless you’re planning to do a bit of gambling, that was just enough time. We…

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